Pastured Chicken Share
Chicken Share includes: 1 whole 4-5lb pastured organic chicken; 2-3 packs pastured organic chicken breast, thighs & drums (final count dep. on weight/size); and a bag of frozen chicken bone broth.
*Chicken size varies naturally, both in whole bird and portions: we do our best to adjust value accordingly to stay consistent by pairing larger butchered portions (breast/leg) with smaller whole birds, adding extra pieces like wings when available, etc.
Colin and Genine Bradwin raise the fittest chickens we've ever seen on the rolling 150 acres of land trust riverland hills they call Kirsop. Every year, chicks start their lives near their farmstead home in heated open barns full of hay. Once they're big enough to move around, they cluck and forage in groups across a new massive open tract of fields, and are moved to a fresh patch every day. While pastured birds appear lean compared to chickens sold in grocery stores pumped with saline and preservatives, the Kirsop chicken's buttery, archetype-of-concentrated-chicken-flavor is the absolute finest bar none. We roast a whole chicken weekly and make broth from the bones, and love having more butchered sections and extra bone broth on hand.
These birds endure no undue stresses of relocation: every bird in your Chicken Share was butchered and immediately frozen on the same homestead farm where they roam.
*Meat products are transported frozen in reusable insulated bags. Please return for pickup so we can sanitize for reuse.